The Lost Museum Archive
Advertisement, Brooklyn Eagle, August 24, 1848
This newspaper advertisement promotes the Lecture Room performances of General Tom Thumb, the exceptionally small man who was born Charles Stratton and promoted as a "human curiosity" by P. T. Barnum. Audiences flocked to see Stratton dressed in the miniature costumes of famous historical figures; he also sang, danced, and described his audiences with European royalty. While the advertisement emphasizes Stratton’s performances, it also lists some of the other attractions, human and otherwise, that visitors encountered at the American Museum in 1848.
the most extraordinary and interesting MAN IN MINIATURE in the known world, having traveled throughout EUROPE AND AMERICA, and been patronized by all classes of all nations—Kings, Queens, Nobility, Gentry, etc, etc ……………. During the remainder of his stay, he will hold THREE LEVEES EVERY DAY—in the morning from 1/2 past 11 to 1 o’clock, when he will give his ENTIRE PERFORMANCES, including his CITIZEN’S DRESS, in which he relates his history, travels, &c., sings a variety of songs, dances the Polka, Sailor’s Hornpipe, &c., represents a young Oxonian, a Havana Exquisite, ONE OF THE B’HOYS, with an appropriate songs, being a touch at the times—Negro Melodies, &c., &c. Also, the Grecian Statues, in appropriate costume; Imitations of Napoleon Bonaparte and Frederick the Great, IN FULL MILITARY COSTUME. The identical COURT DRESS, worn before Queen Victoria, with an account of his reception by the various crowned heads of Europe, and a FRENCH SONG, sung before Louis Philippe; also, an elegant Highland costume, in which he will sing a Scotch song, dance the Highland Fling, &c.
Every afternoon at 3 o’clock, the little General will appear on the stage in the Lecture Room, in his CITIZEN’S DRESS, in which he will relate his history, travels, &c., and exhibit his Extraordinary Performances and Imitations, including Napoleon, Frederick the Great, Songs and Dances, Grecian Statues, &c.; and at the same time a variety of other interesting performances will also take place by the talented and interesting company named below.
Every evening, at 1/4 before 8 o’clock, the General appears again in the same Splendid Performances, and in conjunction with the other entertainments. It is now nearly six years since the little General first appeared in public, and his weight is precisely what it was at that time, viz:--ONLY FIFTEEN POUNDS! He is perfectly symmetrical in all his proportions, intelligent and graceful beyond belief, and SMALLER THAN ANY INFANT that ever walked alone! The Magnificent Presents, Jewels, &c, received from the Kings, Queens and Nobility of Europe, will be exhibited.
Morning Visitors are not admitted to either the afternoon or Evening Performance.
In addition, the manager has also engaged the celebrated SABLE BROTHERS, a most superb and talented band of Negro Singers, Dancers, etc., who have just returned from Boston and other Eastern cities, where they have been received with enthusiasm by amateurs and the public generally. They will give their inimitable entertainments at each and every performance, afternoon and evening.
Also engaged, for this week, the THREE HIGHLAND MAMMOTH BOYS, aged 8, 9 and 11 years, and yet together weighing OVER 750 Pounds! making them the greatest curiosity in the world. Besides, they give some of the most astounding Experiments in natural Mesmeric Clairvoyance ever witnessed—which may be seen at any hour of either day or evening, from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.; as may also the famous GIANT OR MAMMOTH BABY, who, though only 16 months old, weighs 90 pounds!
FAIRY FAMILY—Infant Vestris! Mademoiselle Gertrude, a beautiful and charming American danseuse.
Madame ROCKWELL, the famous Fortune Teller, may be consulted privately at an extra charge of 25 cents.
Admission to the whole, including Museum performances, 25 cents; children under 10 years, and old enough to walk alone, 12 1/2 cents.
Reserved front seats, 1 shilling each, extra.